Explore projects
Lab exercises for term 1 of Databases, Networks & the Web module.
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Physical Computing is of increasing interest to artists, musicians, choreographers and other creative practitioners for the creation of novel artworks and also for forms of computational interaction between these objects and people.
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Part of Adventures In Wonderland - an adventure to learn core cmd line skills and C++ compilation
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JavaScript and C++ API for regression and classification machine learning models. Includes html and ofx examples.
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This is the home for the 30 credit version of graduate course in physical computing
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A template to use for apps that take serial from Arduino or other microcontrollers and route to OSC to another piece of software (like Unity) via OSC.
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Part of Adventures In Wonderland - an adventure to learn core cmd line skills and C++ compilation
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RAPID-MIX API is an easy-to-use toolkit designed to make sensor integration, machine learning and interactive audio accessible for artists, designers, makers, educators, and beginners, as well as creative companies and independent developers.
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New repo for the behaviour trees project for the Game AI Programming course. Should hopefully work better this time.
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A system for packing and unpacking data to/from both files on disk and buffers in memory.
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Web + Desktop App for Controlling Sound Spatialization by drawing trajectories
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Files associated with the week-2 lab session for Databases, Networks & the Web module.