- Mar 08, 2019
Rhys Jacob authored
Finished implementing the selection > game UI. need to connect that to the actual detective in the game and add a hover menu for stats
Rhys Jacob authored
Started building the detective UI that will show in game.
- Mar 05, 2019
Karim Ajouz authored
- Interrogations now run based on how similar the detective is to the witness; - Math to calculate interrogation time and similarity implemented; - Introduction of 'Known' stats to the player; - Range of 'known' stats narrows down during interrogation;
- Feb 28, 2019
Alice Morris authored
changed some scene elements back to the way they were before I tested some things
Alice Morris authored
Added evidence creation tutorials, concluding the first part of the tutorial creation.
Alice Morris authored
Added a quick fix to the clue page tutorial bug, and finished the tutorial for the other 2 pages in the notebook
Alice Morris authored
Added the tutorials for searching rooms and using the clues page, however the clues tutorial does have a possible sequencing problem that would have to be resolved by locking down and deactivating certain UI elements until a specific part of the tutorial is reached
- Feb 27, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Fixed bugs caused by updating the project
Karim Ajouz authored
Fixed merge conflict in the sample scene - Changed detectiveID from 0 to 1;
Alice Morris authored
Created new scripts for template tutorials and all the separate tutorial stages. Completed all parts of the movement tutorial. Added small part to the detective script that checks whether the detective has moved for the first time.
Rhys Jacob authored
Karim Ajouz authored
Karim Ajouz authored
Implemented the following changes to the Detective Script that allow the Penelope script to work: - Changed scope of the 'Start' function to be both Virtual and Protected; - Added 2 booleans to refer to whether or not an ability is 'Active' in-game;
- Feb 18, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Alice Morris authored
- Feb 08, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Readded LFS files
Alice Morris authored
Removed non-LFS files
Karim Ajouz authored
Karim Ajouz authored
- Feb 03, 2019
Rhys Jacob authored
Rhys Jacob authored
Rhys Jacob authored
- Feb 01, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Removed tutorial testing changes
Alice Morris authored
Completed the basic tutorial system for the prototype and added the .gitattribute for LFS
- Jan 25, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Completed digital prototype, includes a unity based .gitignore and the presentation