- Mar 22, 2019
Karim Ajouz authored
- New object in the level called "ResolutionList" that stores the ID's of the 'Exact Match' solutions. - New Script called "CaseResult" that handles the storage of the resolutions and the math to calculate the score. - Updated the EvidenceHandler script to have the following functions: * Add a new piece of Evidence to the end of the timeline; * Add a new piece of Evidence to somewhere in the middle of the Timeline;
- Mar 17, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Notebook tabs are restricted until a certain part of the tutorial has been reached
- Mar 08, 2019
Rhys Jacob authored
Started building the detective UI that will show in game.
- Mar 05, 2019
Karim Ajouz authored
- Interrogations now run based on how similar the detective is to the witness; - Math to calculate interrogation time and similarity implemented; - Introduction of 'Known' stats to the player; - Range of 'known' stats narrows down during interrogation;
- Feb 03, 2019
Rhys Jacob authored
- Jan 25, 2019
Alice Morris authored
Completed digital prototype, includes a unity based .gitignore and the presentation