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//Envelopes allow you to shape the sound. The basic idea is that a sound has the following shape
// Attack: This is how long it takes to fade up to maximum volume
// Decay: This is how long it takes to reach the sustain level.
// Sustain: This is the sustain level
// Release: This is how long it takes to fade out.
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc myCounter,mySwitchableOsc;//
int CurrentCount;//
double myOscOutput,myCurrentVolume;//
maxiEnv myEnvelope;
void setup() {//some inits
//Timing is in ms
myEnvelope.setDecay(1); // Needs to be at least 1
void play(double *output) {
//notice that we feed in a value of 1. to create an envelope shape we can apply later.
CurrentCount=myCounter.phasor(1, 1, 9);//phasor can take three arguments; frequency, start value and end value.
// You'll notice that these 'if' statements don't require curly braces "{}".
// This is because there is only one outcome if the statement is true.
if (CurrentCount==1) myEnvelope.trigger=1; //trigger the envelope
else myEnvelope.trigger=0;//release the envelope to make it fade out only if it's been triggered
if (CurrentCount<5)
else if (CurrentCount>=5)//and the 'else' bit.
myOscOutput=mySwitchableOsc.sinewave(CurrentCount*50);//one osc object can produce whichever waveform you want.
output[0]=myOscOutput*myCurrentVolume;//left speaker
// arrays.cpp
// Created by Michael Grierson on 14/09/2015.
#include "maximilian.h"
currentChord=0;//some other control variables
int pitch[8]={57,57,59,60};//the bassline for the arpeggio
int chord[8]={0,0,7,2,5,5,0,0};//the root chords for the arpeggio
float currentPitch,leadPitch;//the final pitch variables
//here's the lead line trigger array, followed by the pitches
int leadLineTrigger[256]={1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int leadLinePitch[15]={69,67,65,64,67,66,64,62,65,64,62,57,55,60,57};
void setup() {//some inits
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(9);//this sets up a metronome that ticks every so often
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
trigger=1;//play the arpeggiator line
trigger2=leadLineTrigger[playHead%256];//play the lead line
if (trigger2==1) {//if we are going to play a note
leadPitch=mtof.mtof(leadLinePitch[newnote]);//get the next pitch val
newnote++;//and iterate
if (newnote>14) {
newnote=0;//make sure we don't go over the edge of the array
currentPitch=mtof.mtof(pitch[(playHead%4)]+chord[currentChord%8]);//write the frequency val into currentPitch
playHead++;//iterate the playhead
if (playHead%32==0) {//wrap every 4 bars
currentChord++;//change the chord
//cout << "tick\n";//the clock ticks
lastCount=0;//set lastCount to 0
bassout=filter2.lores(envelope.adsr(bass.saw(currentPitch*0.5)+sound.pulse(currentPitch*0.5,mod.phasor(1)),1,0.9995, 0.25, 0.9995, 1, trigger),9250,2);//new, simple ADSR.
leadout=filter.lores(*4)+lead.pulse(leadPitch+(leadmod.sinebuf(1.9)*1.5), 0.6), 0.00005, 0.999975, 50000, trigger2),5900,10);//leadline
delayout=(leadout+(delay.dl(leadout, 14000, 0.8)*0.5))/2;//add some delay
if(trigger!=0)trigger=0;//set the trigger to off if you want it to trigger immediately next time.
output[0]=(bassout+delayout)/2;//sum output
\ No newline at end of file
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc mySine;//let's create an oscillator and give it a name.
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
*output=mySine.sinewave(440);//simple as that!
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc myCounter,mySwitchableOsc;//
int CurrentCount;//
double myOscOutput,myFilteredOutput;//
double myEnvelopeData[6] = {500,0,1000,500,0,500};//this data will be used to make an envelope. Value and time to value in ms.
maxiEnvelope myEnvelope;
maxiFilter myFilter;
void setup() {//some inits
myEnvelope.amplitude=myEnvelopeData[0]; //initialise the envelope
void play(double *output) {
CurrentCount=myCounter.phasor(1, 1, 9);//phasor can take three arguments; frequency, start value and end value.
if (CurrentCount<5)//simple if statement
else if (CurrentCount>=5)//and the 'else' bit.
myOscOutput=mySwitchableOsc.saw(CurrentCount*50);//one osc object can produce whichever waveform you want.
if (CurrentCount==1)
myEnvelope.trigger(0,myEnvelopeData[0]); //trigger the envelope
myFilteredOutput=myFilter.lores(myOscOutput,(myEnvelope.line(6, myEnvelopeData)),10);//lores takes an audio input, a frequency and a resonance factor (1-100)
*output=myFilteredOutput;//point me at your speakers and fire.
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc myCounter,mySwitchableOsc,myAutoPanner;//
int CurrentCount;//
double myOscOutput,myFilteredOutput,myPanPosition;//
double myStereoOutput[2];// we need an output for each channel.
double myEnvelopeData[6] = {500,0,1000,500,0,500};//this data will be used to make an envelope. Value and time to value in ms.
maxiEnvelope myEnvelope;
maxiFilter myFilter;
maxiMix myOutputs;//this is the stereo mixer channel.
void setup() {//some inits
myEnvelope.amplitude=myEnvelopeData[0]; //initialise the envelope
void play(double *output) {
CurrentCount=myCounter.phasor(1, 1, 9);//phasor can take three arguments; frequency, start value and end value.
if (CurrentCount<5)//simple if statement
else if (CurrentCount>=5)//and the 'else' bit.
myOscOutput=mySwitchableOsc.saw(CurrentCount*50);//one osc object can produce whichever waveform you want.
if (CurrentCount==1)
myEnvelope.trigger(0,myEnvelopeData[0]); //trigger the envelope
myFilteredOutput=myFilter.lores(myOscOutput,(myEnvelope.line(6, myEnvelopeData)),10);//lores takes an audio input, a frequency and a resonance factor (1-100)
myOutputs.stereo(myFilteredOutput,myStereoOutput,myPanPosition);//Stereo, Quad or 8 Channel. Specify the input to be mixed, the output[numberofchannels], and the pan (0-1,equal power).
output[0]=myStereoOutput[0];//When working with mixing, you need to specify the outputs explicityly
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiSample beats; //We give our sample a name. It's called beats this time. We could have loads of them, but they have to have different names.
void setup() {//some inits
beats.load("/Users/username/somewhere/Maximilian/beat2.wav");//load in your samples. Provide the full path to a wav file.
printf("Summary:\n%s", beats.getSummary());//get info on samples if you like.
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
*;//just play the file. Looping is default for all play functions.
// *;//play the file with a speed setting. 1. is normal speed.
// *,0,44100);//linear interpolationplay with a frequency input, start point and end point. Useful for syncing.
// *output=beats.play4(0.5,0,44100);//cubic interpolation play with a frequency input, start point and end point. Useful for syncing.
#include "maximilian.h"
double outputs[2],moreoutputs[2]; //some track outputs
double filtered,patch1,patch2,tune,delayed,
mixed,ramp,filtered2,noise,pan,more;//a bunch of patch cables
int beat,lastbeat,morebeats,lastmorebeats;//some rhythmic elemts
double env[4]={200,0,0,50};//the kick drum pitch envelope data
double env2[6]={10000,0,9000,5,0,5};//the hi hat pitch envelope dat
double melody[14]={600,0,0,650,0,0,400,0,0,425,0,300,0,315};//the melody data
int rhythm1[16]={1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0};//another way of doing a rhythm
maxiOsc a,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,squarewave;//some oscillators
maxiEnvelope b,f;//two envelopers
maxiDelayline delay;//a delay line
maxiFilter myfilter,antia;// a FAT filter
maxiMix mymix,bobbins;//some panning busses
maxiSample beats;
void setup() {//some inits
b.amplitude=env[0];//starting value for envelope b
f.amplitude=env2[0];//same for f
beats.load("/Users/chris/src/Maximilian/beat2.wav");//put a path to a soundfile here. Wav format only.
printf("Summary:\n%s", beats.getSummary());//get info on samples if you like
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
beat=((int) c.phasor(8));//this oscillator is now a counter
morebeats=((int) e.phasor(0.5,0,16));//so is this one
patch1=b.line(4,env);//here's envelope b
patch2=f.line(6,env2);//here's envelop f
tune=g.saw(melody[morebeats]*0.25);//here's the melody, which occurs at certain times
if (lastbeat!=beat) {//this is a nice sample and hold routine for the kick drum
f.trigger(0, env2[0]);//it runs off the hi hat.
if (rhythm1[morebeats]==1) {
b.trigger(0, env[0]);//and gets played when it's time.
lastbeat=beat;//let's start again. It's a loop
ramp=i.phasor(0.5,1,2048);//create a basic ramp
pan=j.phasor(0.25);//some panning from a phasor (object is equal power)
delayed=delay.dl(tune, ramp, 0.9)*0.125;//the delay line
//then it all gets mixed.
//add some noise
//filter the noise! this lores takes values between 1 and 100 for res, and freq for cutoff.
filtered=myfilter.lores(filtered2, 1+(pan*10000), 10)*0.4;
//now we send the sounds to some stereo busses.
mymix.stereo(more+mixed+delayed, outputs, 1-pan);
bobbins.stereo(filtered, moreoutputs, pan);//invert the pan
output[0]=outputs[0]+moreoutputs[0];//stick it in the out!!
#include "maximilian.h"
//This shows how to use maximilian to build a monophonic synth
//These are the synthesiser bits
maxiOsc VCO1,VCO2,LFO1,LFO2;
maxiFilter VCF;
maxiEnvelope ADSR;
//These are the control values for the envelope
double adsrEnv[8]={1,5,0.125,250,0.125,125,0,500};
//This is a bunch of control signals so that we can hear something
maxiOsc timer;//this is the metronome
int currentCount,lastCount;//these values are used to check if we have a new beat this sample
//and these are some variables we can use to pass stuff around
double VCO1out,VCO2out,LFO1out,LFO2out,VCFout,ADSRout;
void setup() {//some inits
void play(double *output) {
//so this first bit is just a basic metronome so we can hear what we're doing.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(0.5);//this sets up a metronome that ticks every 2 seconds
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
ADSR.trigger(0, adsrEnv[0]);//trigger the envelope from the start
cout << "tick\n";//the clock ticks
lastCount=0;//set lastCount to 0
//and this is where we build the synth
ADSRout=ADSR.line(8,adsrEnv);//our ADSR env has 8 value/time pairs.
LFO1out=LFO1.sinebuf(0.2);//this lfo is a sinewave at 0.2 hz
VCO1out=VCO1.pulse(55,0.6);//here's VCO1. it's a pulse wave at 55 hz, with a pulse width of 0.6
VCO2out=VCO2.pulse(110+LFO1out,0.2);//here's VCO2. it's a pulse wave at 110hz with LFO modulation on the frequency, and width of 0.2
VCFout=VCF.lores((VCO1out+VCO2out)*0.5, 250+(ADSRout*15000), 10);//now we stick the VCO's into the VCF, using the ADSR as the filter cutoff
*output=VCFout*ADSRout;//finally we add the ADSR as an amplitude modulator
#include "maximilian.h"
//This shows how to use maximilian to build a polyphonic synth.
//These are the synthesiser bits
maxiOsc VCO1[6],VCO2[6],LFO1[6],LFO2[6];
maxiFilter VCF[6];
maxiEnvelope ADSR[6];
//These are the control values for the envelope
double adsrEnv[8]={1,5,0.125,100,0.125,200,0,1000};
//This is a bunch of control signals so that we can hear something
maxiOsc timer;//this is the metronome
int currentCount,lastCount,voice=0;//these values are used to check if we have a new beat this sample
//and these are some variables we can use to pass stuff around
double VCO1out[6],VCO2out[6],LFO1out[6],LFO2out[6],VCFout[6],ADSRout[6],mix,pitch[6];
void setup() {//some inits
void play(double *output) {
mix=0;//we're adding up the samples each update and it makes sense to clear them each time first.
//so this first bit is just a basic metronome so we can hear what we're doing.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(8);//this sets up a metronome that ticks 8 times a second
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
if (voice==6) {
ADSR[voice].trigger(0, adsrEnv[0]);//trigger the envelope from the start
//and this is where we build the synth
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
ADSRout[i]=ADSR[i].line(8,adsrEnv);//our ADSR env has 8 value/time pairs.
LFO1out[i]=LFO1[i].sinebuf(0.2);//this lfo is a sinewave at 0.2 hz
VCO1out[i]=VCO1[i].pulse(55*pitch[i],0.6);//here's VCO1. it's a pulse wave at 55 hz, with a pulse width of 0.6
VCO2out[i]=VCO2[i].pulse((110*pitch[i])+LFO1out[i],0.2);//here's VCO2. it's a pulse wave at 110hz with LFO modulation on the frequency, and width of 0.2
VCFout[i]=VCF[i].lores((VCO1out[i]+VCO2out[i])*0.5, 250+((pitch[i]+LFO1out[i])*1000), 10);//now we stick the VCO's into the VCF, using the ADSR as the filter cutoff
mix+=VCFout[i]*ADSRout[i]/6;//finally we add the ADSR as an amplitude modulator
output[0]=mix*0.5;//left channel
output[1]=mix*0.5;//right channel
#include "maximilian.h"
//Bizarelly, this sounds a little bit like Kraftwerk's 'Metropolis', although it isn't. Funny that.
maxiOsc sound,bass,timer,mod,lead,lead2,leadmod;//here are the synth bits
maxiEnv envelope, leadenvelope;//some envelopes
maxiFilter filter, filter2;//some filters
maxiDelayline delay;//a delay
convert mtof;//a method for converting midi notes to frequency
double bassout,leadout, delayout;//some variables to hold the data and pass it around
int trigger, trigger2, newnote;//some control variables
int currentCount,lastCount,playHead=0, currentChord=0;//some other control variables
int pitch[8]={57,57,59,60};//the bassline for the arpeggio
int chord[8]={0,0,7,2,5,5,0,0};//the root chords for the arpeggio
float currentPitch,leadPitch;//the final pitch variables
//here's the lead line trigger array, followed by the pitches
int leadLineTrigger[256]={1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int leadLinePitch[15]={69,67,65,64,67,66,64,62,65,64,62,57,55,60,57};
void setup() {//some inits
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(9);//this sets up a metronome that ticks every so often
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
trigger=1;//play the arpeggiator line
trigger2=leadLineTrigger[playHead%256];//play the lead line
if (trigger2==1) {//if we are going to play a note
leadPitch=mtof.mtof(leadLinePitch[newnote]);//get the next pitch val
newnote++;//and iterate
if (newnote>14) {
newnote=0;//make sure we don't go over the edge of the array
currentPitch=mtof.mtof(pitch[(playHead%4)]+chord[currentChord%8]);//write the frequency val into currentPitch
playHead++;//iterate the playhead
if (playHead%32==0) {//wrap every 4 bars
currentChord++;//change the chord
//cout << "tick\n";//the clock ticks
lastCount=0;//set lastCount to 0
bassout=filter2.lores(envelope.adsr(bass.saw(currentPitch*0.5)+sound.pulse(currentPitch*0.5,mod.phasor(1)),1,0.9995, 0.25, 0.9995, 1, trigger),9250,2);//new, simple ADSR.
leadout=filter.lores(*4)+lead.pulse(leadPitch+(leadmod.sinebuf(1.9)*1.5), 0.6), 0.00005, 0.999975, 50000, trigger2),5900,10);//leadline
delayout=(leadout+(delay.dl(leadout, 14000, 0.8)*0.5))/2;//add some delay
if(trigger!=0)trigger=0;//set the trigger to off if you want it to trigger immediately next time.
output[0]=(bassout+delayout)/2;//sum output
\ No newline at end of file
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiSample beats; //We give our sample a name. It's called beats this time. We could have loads of them, but they have to have different names.
maxiDyn compressor; //this is a compressor
double out;
void setup() {//some inits
beats.load("/Users/yourusername/somewhere/schub.wav");//load in your samples. Provide the full path to a wav file.
printf("Summary:\n%s", beats.getSummary());//get info on samples if you like.
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
//here, we're just compressing the file in real-time
//arguments are input,ratio,threshold,attack,release
// *;//play the file with a speed setting. 1. is normal speed.
// *,0,44100);//linear interpolationplay with a frequency input, start point and end point. Useful for syncing.
// *output=beats.play4(0.5,0,44100);//cubic interpolation play with a frequency input, start point and end point. Useful for syncing.
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiSample kick,snare; //we've got two sampleplayers
maxiOsc timer; //and a timer
int currentCount,lastCount,playHead,hit[16]={1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1}; //This is the sequence for the kick
int snarehit[16]={0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0};//This is the sequence for the snare
int kicktrigger,snaretrigger;
double sampleOut;
void setup() {//some inits
kick.load("/Users/yourusername/somewhere/kick.wav");//load in your samples. Provide the full path to a wav file.
snare.load("/Users/yourusername/somewhere/snare.wav");//load in your samples. Provide the full path to a wav file.
printf("Summary:\n%s", kick.getSummary());//get info on samples if you like.
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(8);//this sets up a metronome that ticks 8 times a second
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
kicktrigger=hit[playHead%16];//get the value out of the array for the kick
snaretrigger=snarehit[playHead%16];//same for the snare
playHead++;//iterate the playhead
lastCount=0;//reset the metrotest
if (kicktrigger==1) {//if the sequence has a 1 in it
kick.trigger();//reset the playback position of the sample to 0 (the beginning)
if (snaretrigger==1) {
snare.trigger();//likewise for the snare
sampleOut=kick.playOnce()+snare.playOnce();//just play the file. No looping.
output[0]=sampleOut;//left channel
output[1]=sampleOut;//right channel
kicktrigger = 0;//set trigger to 0 at the end of each sample to guarantee retriggering.
snaretrigger = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "maximilian.h"
//this tutorial explains how to use the maxiEnv
maxiSample sound1;
maxiOsc timer,snarePhase; //and a timer
maxiEnv envelope;//this is going to be an envelope
int currentCount,lastCount,playHead,
sequence[16]={1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}; //This is the sequence for the kick
int sampleTrigger;
double sampleOut;
void setup() {//some inits
sound1.load("/Users/mickgrierson/Documents/audio/68373__juskiddink__Cello_open_string_bowed.wav");//load in your samples. Provide the full path to a wav file.
printf("Summary:\n%s", sound1.getSummary());//get info on samples if you like.
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
currentCount=(int)timer.phasor(8);//this sets up a metronome that ticks 8 times a second
if (lastCount!=currentCount) {//if we have a new timer int this sample, play the sound
playHead++;//iterate the playhead
lastCount=0;//reset the metrotest
//the envelope we're using here is an AR envelope.
//It has an input (which in this case is a sound)
//It has an attack coefficient, a hold val (in samples)
//and a release coefficient. Finally, it has a trigger input.
//If you stick a 1 in the trigger input, it retriggers the envelope, 0.1, 0.9999, 1, sampleTrigger); //
output[0]=sampleOut;//left channel
output[1]=sampleOut;//right channel
sampleTrigger = 0;//set trigger to 0 at the end of each sample to guarantee retriggering.
\ No newline at end of file
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine;//Two oscillators with names.
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
*output=mySine.sinewave(440)+myOtherSine.sinewave(441);//these two sines will beat together. They're now a bit too loud though..
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc sineBank[10];//let's create an oscillator and give it a name.
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {//this is where the magic happens. Very slow magic.
double wave=0;
double f0 = 100;
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
double thisSine = wave + sineBank[i].sinewave(f0 + (i * f0));
double multiplier = 1.0 / (i+1.0);
thisSine = thisSine * multiplier;
wave = wave + thisSine;
wave *= 0.1;
*output = wave;//simple as that!
#include "maximilian.h"
//This shows how to use maximilian to do basic amplitude modulation
maxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine;//Two oscillators. They can be called anything. They can be any of the available waveforms. These ones will be sinewaves
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {
#include "maximilian.h"
//This shows how to use maximilian to do basic amplitude modulation
maxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine,myPhasor;//Three oscillators. They can be called anything. They can be any of the available waveforms.
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine;//Two oscillators
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine,myLastSine,myPhasor;//Three oscillators
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {
*output=mySine.sinewave(myOtherSine.sinewave(myLastSine.sinewave(0.1)*30)*440);//awesome bassline
#include "maximilian.h"
maxiOsc myCounter,mySquare;//these oscillators will help us count and play sound
int CurrentCount;//we're going to put the current count in this variable so that we can use it more easily.
void setup() {//some inits
//nothing to go here this time
void play(double *output) {
CurrentCount=myCounter.phasor(1, 1, 9);//phasor can take three arguments; frequency, start value and end value.