Catflucks Application
Here is a newer version of catflucks with added login feature. It is only partially implemented, but enough to give you the general idea of how to perform password checking on hashed passwords.
To login, you need to create an account from the mongo shell first, for which you know the unhashed password!
For testing purposes, here is an account to insert, which has the password, `password':
db.accounts.insertOne({ ... "joined": new Date(), ... "username":"tester", ... "name":{"last":"Harriet","first":"Sorrel"}, ... "password":"$2b$12$DXvBoOurVX7GnCr35P.iZ.DG2cH.qQarJL7m9xhhRvrqkDsE1/aFC", ... "is_admin":1, ... "email":"" ... })
You can change the name and email etc, but don't change the password!