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//this sketch was used to program varying radial moires. Though I cannot figure out the parameters I used for the take in the edit, I provide the program for how these effects were created. Over the course of the projects production I would experiment and record many different versions of these radial moires and picked the best ones for the final edit of th project.
//combining each layer of ellipses and adjusting their parameters many moire effects can be created.
////-----------moire that uses a modulo to change it's iterations, thus it has a 'snapping back' quality to it's movement
// strokeWeight(2);
// stroke(255,0,0);
// for(i=0;i<1000;i+=3+(frameCount/100)%20){
// ellipse(360,360,1000-i,1000-i);
// }
////-----------moire which it's iterations are modulated by a sin wave giving it a constant and smooth pulse
// for(i=0;i<1000;i+=6+sin(frameCount/4)*2){
// ellipse(360,360,1000-i,1000-i);
// }
// push();
//---------creates a frame of moires to contrast with whatever is happening in the center of the screen