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### maxiAudio ###

This the audio context. You must always have one to produce sound with maxiLib

#### methods ####

##### .init() #####
initialise the audio engine

##### .loadSample(sampleUrl, maxiSample) #####
load a sample into a maxiSample object

#### properties ####

##### .play ##### 
the function which is the play loop

#####  .output ##### 
the current value of the audio output


### maxiSample ###

Stores and plays an audio sample

#### methods ####

##### .play() ##### 
plays the sample at normal speed

##### .play(playRate) ##### 
plays the sample at the specified play rate 

##### .playOnce() ##### 
plays the sample once at normal speed

##### .playOnce(playRate) ##### 
plays the sample once at specified play rate 

##### .trigger() ##### 
set the playhead to zero (use in conjunction with playOnce)

##### .isReady() ##### 
returns true if sample is loaded 


### maxiTimestretch ###

plays a sample at different rates leaving pitch unchanged

#### methods ####

##### .setSample(maxiSample) #####

sets the sample play for timestretch to use

##### .play(rate, grainLength, overlaps, startPos) ##### 

- rate (eg. 0.5 = half speed)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)

##### .setPosition(startPos) ##### 

useful for resetting a sound

##### .getPosition() ##### 

returns position in ???

##### .getNormalisedPosition() ##### 

Useful for ending sample play back


### maxiPitchShift ###

plays a sample at different pitches leaving the speed unchanged

#### methods ####

##### .setSample(maxiSample) #####

sets the sample play for pitchShift to use

##### .play(pitch, grainLength, overlaps, startPos) ##### 

- pitch (eg. 0.5 = half pitch)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)

##### .setPosition(startPos) ##### 

useful for resetting a sound

##### .getPosition() ##### 

returns position in ???

##### .getNormalisedPosition() ##### 

Useful for ending sample play back


### maxiPitchStretch ###

plays a sample with independent control of pitch and speed

#### methods ####

##### .setSample(maxiSample) #####

sets the sample play for timestretch to use

##### .play(pitch, rate, grainLength, overlaps, startPos) ##### 

- pitch (eg. 0.5 = half pitch)
- rate (eg. 0.5 = half speed)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)

##### .getPosition() ##### 

returns position in ???

##### .getNormalisedPosition() ##### 

Useful for ending sample play back

##### .setPosition(startPos) ##### 

useful for resetting a sound


### maxiDelay ###

A simple delay line

#### methods ####

##### .dl(inputSignal, delayTime, foldback) #####

process a signal with delay

- inputSignal (any signal eg. output from an oscillator
- delayTime (a value in milliseconds)
- foldback (how much of the signal to feedback into the delay buffer - determines how long echos last)


### maxiOsc ###

An oscillator with methods for a number of waveforms

#### methods ####

##### .sinewave(frequency) #####

outputs a sine wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0

##### .triangle(frequency) #####

outputs a triangle wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0

##### .saw(frequency) #####

outputs a sawtooth wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0

##### .square(frequency) #####

outputs a square wave at the given frequency between 0.0 & 1.0

##### .phasor(frequency) #####

outputs a linear ramp at the given frequency between 0.0 & 1.0

##### .phaseReset(phase) #####

reset the phase to a specific value

- phase (a value between 0 & 1)


### maxiEnv ###

An adsr envelope.

#### methods ####

##### .setAttack(time) #####
- time = milliseconds

##### .setDecay(time) #####
- time = milliseconds

##### .setSustain(level) #####
- level = a value between 0.0 and 1.0

##### .setRelease(time) #####
- time = milliseconds

##### .adsr(level, trigger) #####
- level (the overall level of the envelope; everything will be scaled by this value)
- trigger (envelope will begin attack when set to 1.0 and release when set to 0.0)

### convert ###

A collection of conversion functions. Currently numbering one !

#### methods ####

##### .mtof(midi) #####

pass a midi value and its frequency is returned

### Undocumented classes ###

- maxiArray
- maxiChorus
- maxiClock
- maxiDCBlocker
- maxiDistortion
- maxiDyn
- maxiEnvelope
- maxiEnvelopeFollower
- maxiFFT
- maxiFFTOctaveAnalyzer
- maxiFilter
- maxiFlanger
- maxiHats
- maxiIFFT
- maxiKick
- maxiLagExp
- maxiMFCC
- maxiMap
- maxiMix
- maxiSVF
- maxiSettings
- maxiSnare
- maxiTools