An implementation of maximilian in javascript using emscripten to compile code from C++ to javascript.
To use: move the maxiLib.js file from the maxiLib folder to an appropriate location and include using the <script> tag.
Makefile!! - Can now use ‘make’ command to compile. You will probably need to change the location of em++ in the Makefile though.
- to just make base maximilian (without libs [fft etc]) use ‘make maxi’
File structure:
src: Contains all files (.cpp/.js) for use with emscripten.
- cpp/* : all maximilian files and emscripten bindings
- js/maxi_webAudio.js : some stuff for interacting with AudioContext and loading files (plus some other bits) which is appended to the end of emscripten’s output automatically.
maxiLib: files for the js implementation of maximilian.
- maxiLib.js is the output from emscripten.
- libs will contain all extra maximilian libraries when completed.
old stuff : the initial files from the beginning. Not of much use anymore.