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| filter and/or sort documents in the result set based on some simple criteria | 42 |
| perform more advanced filtering and/or aggregation operations in a database query | |
| handle a POST request made via an HTML form in a server-side script | 58 |
| demonstrate consideration for SoC through the modularisation (separation) of related code |myutils and myserve_cat demontstrate SoC |
| demonstrate an awareness of how related data is modelled in the database | |
| design and implement an original functional feature in a Python web app | |
| demonstrate consideration for SoC through the modularisation (separation) of related code |mysimpleServer and myserve_cat demontstrate SoC as one is to connect to the server and the other is used to present the page |
| demonstrate an awareness of how related data is modelled in the database |fluck count gets updated in the database by myserve_cat as well as being queried by it |
| design and implement an original functional feature in a Python web app | 71 is unfluck a cat |
| other relevant extension of the taught material (if applicable) | |
| make a Python script self-executable | |
| utilise a range of Python's built-in functions and methods | |
| make use of user-defined functions | |
| design and implement reuseable functions | |
| make a Python script self-executable | 1 |
| utilise a range of Python's built-in functions and methods | 3 to 13 |
| make use of user-defined functions | 13 12 |
| design and implement reuseable functions | 12 |