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maxi_emscr_new.h 24.1 KiB
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 *  maximilian.h
 *  platform independent synthesis library using portaudio or rtaudio
 *  Created by Mick Grierson on 29/12/2009.
 *  Copyright 2009 Mick Grierson & Strangeloop Limited. All rights reserved.
 *	Thanks to the Goldsmiths Creative Computing Team.
 *	Special thanks to Arturo Castro for the PortAudio implementation.
 *	Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
 *	obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
 *	files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
 *	restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
 *	copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 *	copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 *	Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
 *	conditions:
 *	The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 *	included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "math.h"
#include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32 //|| _WIN64
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
#ifndef PI
#define PI  3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179586476925286766559

class maxiSettings {
	static int sampleRate;
	static int channels;
	static int bufferSize;
	static void setup(int initSampleRate, int initChannels, int initBufferSize) {
		maxiSettings::sampleRate = initSampleRate;
		maxiSettings::channels = initChannels;
		maxiSettings::bufferSize = initBufferSize;
	void setSampleRate(int sampleRate_){
		sampleRate = sampleRate_;
	void setNumChannels(int channels_){
		channels = channels_;
	void setBufferSize(int bufferSize_){
		bufferSize = bufferSize_;
	int getSampleRate() const{
		return sampleRate;
	int getNumChannels() const{
		return channels;
	int getBufferSize() const{
		return bufferSize;

class maxiOsc {
	double frequency;
	double phase;
	double startphase;
	double endphase;
	double output;
	double tri;
	double sinewave(double frequency);
	double coswave(double frequency);
	double phasor(double frequency);
	double phasor(double frequency, double startphase, double endphase);
	double saw(double frequency);
	double triangle(double frequency);
	double square(double frequency);
	double pulse(double frequency, double duty);
	double noise();
	double sinebuf(double frequency);
	double sinebuf4(double frequency);
    double sawn(double frequency);
    double rect(double frequency, double duty=0.5);
	void phaseReset(double phaseIn);

class maxiEnvelope {
	double period;
	double output;
	double startval;
	double currentval;
	double nextval;
	int isPlaying;

//	double line(int numberofsegments,double segments[100]);
	double line(int numberofsegments, std::vector<double>& segments);

	void trigger(int index,double amp);
	int valindex;
	double amplitude;
	// ------------------------------------------------
	// getters/setters
	void setValindex(int index){
		valindex = index;
	void setAmplitude(double amp){
		amplitude = amp;
	int getValindex() const{
		return valindex;
	double getAmplitude() const{
		return amplitude;
	// ------------------------------------------------

class maxiDelayline {
	double frequency;
	int phase;
	double startphase;
	double endphase;
	double output;
	double memory[88200];
	double dl(double input, int size, double feedback);
	double dl(double input, int size, double feedback, int position);

class maxiFilter { 	
	double gain;
	double input;
	double output;
	double inputs[10];
	double outputs[10];
	double cutoff1;
	double x;//speed
	double y;//pos
	double z;//pole
	double c;//filter coefficient
	maxiFilter():x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0), c(0.0){};
	double cutoff;
	double resonance;
	double lores(double input,double cutoff1, double resonance);
	double hires(double input,double cutoff1, double resonance);
	double bandpass(double input,double cutoff1, double resonance);
	double lopass(double input,double cutoff);
	double hipass(double input,double cutoff);
	// ------------------------------------------------
	// getters/setters
	void setCutoff(double cut){
		cutoff = cut;

	void setResonance(double res){
		resonance = res;
	double getCutoff() const{
		return cutoff;
	double getResonance() const{
		return resonance;
	// ------------------------------------------------

class maxiMix  {
	double input;
	double two[2];
	double four[4];
	double eight[8];
//	double x;
//	double y;
//	double z;
	// ------------------------------------------------
	// getters/setters
	// ------------------------------------------------
//	double *stereo(double input,double two[2],double x);
//	double *quad(double input,double four[4], double x,double y);
//	double *ambisonic(double input,double eight[8],double x,double y, double z);

	// should return or just be void function
	void stereo(double input,std::vector<double>& two,double x);
	void quad(double input,std::vector<double>& four, double x,double y);
	void ambisonic(double input,std::vector<double>& eight, double x,double y, double z);

//lagging with an exponential moving average
//a lower alpha value gives a slower lag
template <class T> 
class maxiLagExp {
	T alpha, alphaReciprocal;
	T val;
	maxiLagExp() {
		init(0.5, 0.0);
	maxiLagExp(T initAlpha, T initVal) {
		init(initAlpha, initVal);
	void init(T initAlpha, T initVal) {
		alpha = initAlpha;
		alphaReciprocal = 1.0 - alpha;
		val = initVal;
	inline void addSample(T newVal) {
		val = (alpha * newVal) + (alphaReciprocal * val);

	// getters/setters
	void setAlpha(T alpha_){
		alpha = alpha_;
	void setAlphaReciprocal(T alphaReciprocal_){
		alphaReciprocal = alphaReciprocal_;
	void setVal(T val_){
		val = val_;
	T getAlpha() const{
		return alpha;
	T getAlphaReciprocal() const{
		return alphaReciprocal;

	inline T value() const{

class maxiSample  {
	string 	myPath;
	int 	myChunkSize;
	int	mySubChunk1Size;
	int		readChannel;
	short 	myFormat;
	int   	myByteRate;
	short 	myBlockAlign;
	double position, recordPosition;
	double speed;
	double output;
    maxiLagExp<double> loopRecordLag;
	int	myDataSize;
	short 	myChannels;
	int   	mySampleRate;
	long length;
	void getLength(); // why void??
    void setLength(unsigned long numSamples);  
    short 	myBitsPerSample;

	vector<double> tempVec;
	// get/set for the Path property
//		if (myData) free(myData);
//        if (temp) free(temp);
        printf("freeing SampleData");

    maxiSample():temp(NULL),position(0), recordPosition(0), myChannels(1), mySampleRate(maxiSettings::sampleRate) {};
    maxiSample& operator=(const maxiSample &source) {
        if (this == &source)
            return *this;
        recordPosition = 0;
        myChannels = source.myChannels;
        mySampleRate = maxiSettings::sampleRate;
//        temp = (short*) malloc(myDataSize * sizeof(char));
		temp = source.temp;
//        memcpy(temp, source.temp, myDataSize * sizeof(char));
        length = source.length;
        return *this;
	bool load(string fileName, int channel=0);
    bool loadOgg(string filename,int channel=0);
	// -------------------------
	// js bits
	// as loading is currently asynchronous in js this can be useful
	bool isReady();
	void setSample(vector<double>& temp);
	void setSample(vector<double>& temp, int sampleRate);

//	void setSampleChar(vector<char>& temp);
	void clear(){temp.clear();}
	// -------------------------
	void trigger();
	// read a wav file into this class
	bool read();

//	bool read(vector<char>& fileChars);
	//read an ogg file into this class using stb_vorbis
    bool readOgg();
    void loopRecord(double newSample, const bool recordEnabled, const double recordMix, double start = 0.0, double end = 1.0) {
        if (recordPosition < start * length) recordPosition = start * length;
        if(recordEnabled) {
            double currentSample = temp[(unsigned long)recordPosition] / 32767.0;
            newSample = (recordMix * currentSample) + ((1.0 - recordMix) * newSample);
            newSample *= loopRecordLag.value();
            temp[(unsigned long)recordPosition] = newSample * 32767;
        if (recordPosition >= end * length)
            recordPosition= start * length;
//    void clear();
    void reset();
    double play();
    double playLoop(double start, double end); // start and end are between 0.0 and 1.0
    double playOnce();
    double playOnce(double speed);
    void setPosition(double newPos); // between 0.0 and 1.0
    double playUntil(double end);
    double play(double speed);
    double play(double frequency, double start, double end, double &pos);
    double play(double frequency, double start, double end);
    double play4(double frequency, double start, double end);
    double bufferPlay(unsigned char &bufferin,long length);
    double bufferPlay(unsigned char &bufferin,double speed,long length);
    double bufferPlay(unsigned char &bufferin,double frequency, double start, double end);
    double bufferPlay4(unsigned char &bufferin,double frequency, double start, double end);
    bool save() {
        return save(myPath);
	bool save(string filename)
        fstream myFile (filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
        // write the wav file per the wav file format
        myFile.seekp (0, ios::beg);
        myFile.write ("RIFF", 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myChunkSize, 4);
        myFile.write ("WAVE", 4);
        myFile.write ("fmt ", 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &mySubChunk1Size, 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myFormat, 2);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myChannels, 2);
        myFile.write ((char*) &mySampleRate, 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myByteRate, 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myBlockAlign, 2);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myBitsPerSample, 2);
        myFile.write ("data", 4);
        myFile.write ((char*) &myDataSize, 4);
//        myFile.write ((char*) temp, myDataSize);
		myFile.write ((char*), myDataSize);
        return true;
	// return a printable summary of the wav file
	char *getSummary()
		char *summary = new char[250];
		sprintf(summary, " Format: %d\n Channels: %d\n SampleRate: %d\n ByteRate: %d\n BlockAlign: %d\n BitsPerSample: %d\n DataSize: %d\n", myFormat, myChannels, mySampleRate, myByteRate, myBlockAlign, myBitsPerSample, myDataSize);
		std::cout << myDataSize;
		return summary;
    void normalise(float maxLevel = 0.99);  //0 < maxLevel < 1.0
    void autoTrim(float alpha = 0.3, float threshold = 6000, bool trimStart = true, bool trimEnd = true); //alpha of lag filter (lower == slower reaction), threshold to mark start and end, < 32767

class maxiMap {
    static double inline linlin(double val, double inMin, double inMax, double outMin, double outMax) {
        val = max(min(val, inMax), inMin);
        return ((val - inMin) / (inMax - inMin) * (outMax - outMin)) + outMin;
    static double inline linexp(double val, double inMin, double inMax, double outMin, double outMax) {
        val = max(min(val, inMax), inMin);
        return pow((outMax / outMin), (val - inMin) / (inMax - inMin)) * outMin;
    static double inline explin(double val, double inMin, double inMax, double outMin, double outMax) {
        val = max(min(val, inMax), inMin);
        return (log(val/inMin) / log(inMax/inMin) * (outMax - outMin)) + outMin;
    //changed to templated function, e.g. maxiMap::maxiClamp<int>(v, l, h);
    template<typename T>
    static T inline clamp(T v, const T low, const T high) {
        if (v > high)
            v = high;
        else if (v < low) {
            v = low;
        return v;

class maxiDyn {
//	double gate(double input, double threshold=0.9, long holdtime=1, double attack=1, double release=0.9995);
//	double compressor(double input, double ratio, double threshold=0.9, double attack=1, double release=0.9995);
    double gate(double input, double threshold=0.9, long holdtime=1, double attack=1, double release=0.9995);
    double compressor(double input, double ratio, double threshold=0.9, double attack=1, double release=0.9995);
    double compress(double input);
    double input;
	double ratio;
	double currentRatio;
	double threshold;
	double output;
	double attack;
	double release;
	double amplitude;
    void setAttack(double attackMS);
    void setRelease(double releaseMS);
    void setThreshold(double thresholdI);
    void setRatio(double ratioF);
	long holdtime;
	long holdcount;
	int attackphase,holdphase,releasephase;
	// ------------------------------------------------
	// getters/setters
//	int getTrigger() const{
//		return trigger;
//	}
//	void setTrigger(int trigger){
//		this->trigger = trigger;
//	}
544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943
	// ------------------------------------------------

class maxiEnv {
	double ar(double input, double attack=1, double release=0.9, long holdtime=1, int trigger=0);
	double adsr(double input, double attack=1, double decay=0.99, double sustain=0.125, double release=0.9, long holdtime=1, int trigger=0);
    double adsr(double input,int trigger);
	double input;
	double output;
	double attack;
	double decay;
	double sustain;
	double release;
	double amplitude;
    void setAttack(double attackMS);
    void setRelease(double releaseMS);
    void setDecay(double decayMS);
    void setSustain(double sustainL);
	int trigger;
	long holdtime=1;
	long holdcount;
	int attackphase,decayphase,sustainphase,holdphase,releasephase;
	// ------------------------------------------------
	// getters/setters
	int getTrigger() const{
		return trigger;
	void setTrigger(int trigger){
		this->trigger = trigger;
	// ------------------------------------------------

class convert {
	double mtof(int midinote);

class maxiDistortion {
    /*atan distortion, see*/
    /*shape from 1 (soft clipping) to infinity (hard clipping)*/
    double atanDist(const double in, const double shape);
    double fastAtanDist(const double in, const double shape);
    double fastatan( double x );

inline double maxiDistortion::fastatan(double x)
    return (x / (1.0 + 0.28 * (x * x)));

inline double maxiDistortion::atanDist(const double in, const double shape) {
    double out;
    out = (1.0 / atan(shape)) * atan(in * shape);
    return out;

inline double maxiDistortion::fastAtanDist(const double in, const double shape) {
    double out;
    out = (1.0 / fastatan(shape)) * fastatan(in * shape);
    return out;

class maxiFlanger {
    //delay = delay time - ~800 sounds good
    //feedback = 0 - 1
    //speed = lfo speed in Hz, 0.0001 - 10 sounds good
    //depth = 0 - 1
    double flange(const double input, const unsigned int delay, const double feedback, const double speed, const double depth);
    maxiDelayline dl;
    maxiOsc lfo;


inline double maxiFlanger::flange(const double input, const unsigned int delay, const double feedback, const double speed, const double depth)
    //todo: needs fixing
    double output;
    double lfoVal = lfo.triangle(speed);
    output = dl.dl(input, delay + (lfoVal * depth * delay) + 1, feedback) ;    
    double normalise = (1 - fabs(output));
    output *= normalise;
    return (output + input) / 2.0;

class maxiChorus {
    //delay = delay time - ~800 sounds good
    //feedback = 0 - 1
    //speed = lfo speed in Hz, 0.0001 - 10 sounds good
    //depth = 0 - 1
    double chorus(const double input, const unsigned int delay, const double feedback, const double speed, const double depth);
    maxiDelayline dl, dl2;
    maxiOsc lfo;
    maxiFilter lopass;

inline double maxiChorus::chorus(const double input, const unsigned int delay, const double feedback, const double speed, const double depth)
    //this needs fixing
    double output1, output2;
    double lfoVal = lfo.noise();
    lfoVal = lopass.lores(lfoVal, speed, 1.0) * 2.0;
    output1 = dl.dl(input, delay + (lfoVal * depth * delay) + 1, feedback) ;    
    output2 = dl2.dl(input, (delay + (lfoVal * depth * delay * 1.02) + 1) * 0.98, feedback * 0.99) ;    
    output1 *= (1.0 - fabs(output1));
    output2 *= (1.0 - fabs(output2));
    return (output1 + output2 + input) / 3.0;

template<typename T>
class maxiEnvelopeFollowerType {
    maxiEnvelopeFollowerType() {
        env = 0;
    void setAttack(T attackMS) {
        attack = pow( 0.01, 1.0 / (attackMS * maxiSettings::sampleRate * 0.001 ) );
    void setRelease(T releaseMS) {
        release = pow( 0.01, 1.0 / (releaseMS * maxiSettings::sampleRate * 0.001 ) );
    inline T play(T input) {
        input = fabs(input);
        if (input>env)
            env = attack * (env - input) + input;
            env = release * (env - input) + input;
        return env;
    void reset() {env=0;}
    inline T getEnv(){return env;}
    inline void setEnv(T val){env = val;}
    T attack, release, env;

typedef maxiEnvelopeFollowerType<double> maxiEnvelopeFollower;
typedef maxiEnvelopeFollowerType<float> maxiEnvelopeFollowerF;

class maxiDCBlocker {
    double xm1, ym1;
    maxiDCBlocker() : xm1(0), ym1(0) {}
    inline double play(double input, double R) {
        ym1 = input - xm1 + R * ym1;
        xm1 = input;
        return ym1;

 State Variable Filter
 algorithm from
 either set the parameters separately as required (to save CPU)
 w =, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
 or set everything together at once
 w = filter.setCutoff(param1).setResonance(param2).play(w, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
class maxiSVF {
    maxiSVF() : v0z(0), v1(0), v2(0) { setParams(1000, 1);}
    //20 < cutoff < 20000
    inline maxiSVF& setCutoff(double cutoff) {
        setParams(cutoff, res);
        return *this;
    //from 0 upwards, starts to ring from 2-3ish, cracks a bit around 10
    inline maxiSVF& setResonance(double q) {
        setParams(freq, q);
        return *this;
    //run the filter, and get a mixture of lowpass, bandpass, highpass and notch outputs
    inline double play(double w, double lpmix, double bpmix, double hpmix, double notchmix) {
        double low, band, high, notch;
        double v1z = v1;
        double v2z = v2;
        double v3 = w + v0z - 2.0 * v2z;
        v1 += g1*v3-g2*v1z;
        v2 += g3*v3+g4*v1z;
        v0z = w;
        low = v2;
        band = v1;
        high = w-k*v1-v2;
        notch = w-k*v1;
        return (low * lpmix) + (band * bpmix) + (high * hpmix) + (notch * notchmix);
    inline void setParams(double _freq, double _res) {
        freq = _freq;
        res = _res;
        g = tan(PI * freq / maxiSettings::sampleRate);
        damping = res == 0 ? 0 : 1.0 / res;
        k = damping;
        ginv = g / (1.0 + g * (g + k));
        g1 = ginv;
        g2 = 2.0 * (g + k) * ginv;
        g3 = g * ginv;
        g4 = 2.0 * ginv;
    double v0z, v1, v2, g, damping, k, ginv, g1, g2, g3 ,g4;
    double freq, res;

class maxiKick {
    double play();
    void setPitch(double pitch);
    void setRelease(double releaseD);
    void trigger();
    double pitch;
    double output = 0 ;
    double outputD =0 ;
    double envOut;
    bool useDistortion = false;
    bool useLimiter = false;
    bool useFilter = false;
    double distortion = 0;
    bool inverse = false;
    double cutoff;
    double resonance;
    double gain = 1;
    maxiOsc kick;
    maxiEnv envelope;
    maxiDistortion distort;
    maxiFilter filter;

class maxiSnare {
    double play();
    void setPitch(double pitch);
    void setRelease(double releaseD);
    void trigger();
    double pitch;
    double output = 0 ;
    double outputD = 0 ;
    double envOut;
    bool useDistortion = false;
    bool useLimiter = false;
    bool useFilter = true;
    double distortion = 0;
    bool inverse = false;
    double cutoff;
    double resonance;
    double gain = 1;
    maxiOsc tone;
    maxiOsc noise;
    maxiEnv envelope;
    maxiDistortion distort;
    maxiFilter filter;

class maxiHats {
    double play();
    void setPitch(double pitch);
    void setRelease(double releaseD);
    void trigger();
    double pitch;
    double output = 0;
    double outputD = 0;
    double envOut;
    bool useDistortion = false;
    bool useLimiter = false;
    bool useFilter = false;
    double distortion = 0;
    bool inverse = false;
    double cutoff;
    double resonance;
    double gain = 1;
    maxiOsc tone;
    maxiOsc noise;
    maxiEnv envelope;
    maxiDistortion distort;
    maxiSVF filter;

class maxiSynth {

class granularSynth {

class maxiSampler {
    double play();
    void setPitch(double pitch, bool setall=false);
    void midiNoteOn(double pitch, double velocity, bool setall=false);
    void midiNoteOff(double pitch, double velocity, bool setall=false);
    void setAttack(double attackD,bool setall=true);
    void setDecay(double decayD,bool setall=true);
    void setSustain(double sustainD,bool setall=true);
    void setRelease(double releaseD,bool setall=true);
    void setPosition(double positionD,bool setall=true);
    void load(string inFile,bool setall=true);
    void setNumVoices(int numVoices);
    double position;
    void trigger();
    double pitch[32];
    int originalPitch=67;
    double outputs[32];
    double outputD = 0;
    double envOut[32];
    double envOutGain[32];
    double output;
    bool useDistortion = false;
    bool useLimiter = false;
    bool useFilter = false;
    double distortion = 0;
    bool inverse = false;
    double cutoff;
    double resonance;
    double gain = 1;
    int voices;
    int currentVoice=0;
    convert mtof;
    maxiOsc LFO1;
    maxiOsc LFO2;
    maxiOsc LFO3;
    maxiOsc LFO4;
    maxiSample samples[32];
    maxiEnv envelopes[32];
    maxiDistortion distort;
    maxiSVF filters[32];
    bool sustain = true;

class maxiClock {
    void ticker();
    void setTempo(double bpm);
    void setTicksPerBeat(int ticksPerBeat);
	bool isTick();
    maxiOsc timer;
    int currentCount;
    int lastCount;
    int playHead;
    double bps;
    double bpm;
    int ticks;
    bool tick;
	void setCurrentCount(int n){
		this->currentCount = n;
	void setLastCount(int n){
		this->lastCount = n;
	void setBps(int bps_){
		this->bps = bps_;
	void setBpm(int bpm_){
		this->bpm = bpm_;
	void setTick(int tick_){
		this->tick = tick_;
	void setTicks(int ticks_){
		this->ticks = ticks_;
	int getCurrentCount() const{
		return currentCount;
	int getLastCount() const{
		return lastCount;
	int getPlayHead() const{
		return playHead;
	double getBps() const{
		return bps;
	double getBpm() const{
		return bpm;
	bool getTick() const{
		return tick;
	int getTicks() const{
		return ticks;