2nd year university project in C++ (Goldsmiths College, UoL).
Copyright Charles Ringer 2015
Please build in xcode (other IDEs may work but are untested).
User instructions: Click start to begin the game. Use W,A,S,D to move. Press E to toggle the torch on and off Press SPACE to attack.
Get to the end point (currently a red square) without getting killed by the zombies.
References and licenses for all assets will be added in due course.
Up and coming features and improvements:
- Heartbeat audio to tell the user how close they are to the exit (currently it is only printed out in the console).
- Other sound effects
- Art for the end point(rather than the red square)
- Imporved lighting logic for user (so you can no longer see over walls).
- AI Pathing improvement (notably: pathing to the user when the torch is on)
- Torch projectiles for throwing.
- Settings menu.
- A nicer frontend and post game screen.