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Commit eb3bdb20 authored by Evan Raskob's avatar Evan Raskob
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first check in with computational portfolio example

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# License and use
The code examples used here are licensed under the MIT license.
# Graphics Examples
### For Goldsmiths BSc Creative Computing Graphics IS51030A
* Computational layout
* Colors and color theory
* Basic procedural animation
by Evan Raskob --
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>advanced pixel access</title>
<script src="libraries/p5.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="sketch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style> body {padding: 0; margin: 0;} canvas {vertical-align: top;} </style>
This diff is collapsed.
/// Demonstrating a computational layout for a portfolio project page
/// by Evan Raskob, mostly adapted from an example Rune Madsen's online book:
/// Tested with p5js v1.0.0
function setup() {
createCanvas(450, 600);
function draw() {
const margin = height / 20;
const allWidth = width - 3 * margin;
const allHeight = height - 5 * margin;
const moduleWidth = allWidth / 2;
const moduleHeight = allHeight / 4;
// this could contain your sketch's interactive or animated portion.
// Meaning, you can resize-your sketch to draw into this box!
translate(margin, margin);
fill(75, 185, 165);
rect(0, 0, 2 * moduleWidth + margin, 3 * moduleHeight + 2 * margin);
/// now draw your sketch. Since it's *after* the sketch box, it will draw over it.
/// see drawMySketch() below.
drawMySketch(0, 0, 2 * moduleWidth + margin, 3 * moduleHeight + 2 * margin);
// this could contain the title of your sketch, in text
translate(0, 3 * (moduleHeight + margin));
fill(30, 50, 50);
rect(0, 0, moduleWidth, moduleHeight / 4);
fill(240); // text colour
// let's do computational text margins as well
// Note: you can do this for inner content too
const textHorizontalMargin = moduleWidth / 18;
const textVerticalMargin = moduleHeight / 18;
// text should fit the title box, above
text("My Project Title", textHorizontalMargin, textVerticalMargin, moduleWidth - textHorizontalMargin, moduleHeight / 4 - textVerticalMargin);
fill(120, 155, 155);
rect(moduleWidth + margin, 0, moduleWidth, moduleHeight);
/// Usually, your sketch is draw inside draw().
/// This time, put *all* your drawing code here so you can draw
/// your sketch at any arbitrary x,y position and width, height (w,h)
/// This means looking at your original drawing code and adding x and y
/// to all coordinates, and replacing width with w and height with h.
function drawMySketch(x, y, w, h) {
let numStrips = 16;
// draw a moving vertical strips
for (let i = 1; i < numStrips; i++) {
x + w / 2 + i * w / (2*numStrips) * sin(frameCount / (i*16)),
y, w / (2*numStrips), h);
for (let i = 1; i < numStrips; i++) {
y + h / 2 + i * h / (2*numStrips) * cos(frameCount / (i*32)),
w, h / (2*numStrips));
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