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    The snippet can be accessed without any authentication.
    Authored by Evan Raskob
    responseGenerator.js 1.62 KiB
    // this is the array of keywords and responses to them 
    var responsesArray = [
            keyword: "good",
            response: "That's great!"
            keyword: "bad",
            response: "I'm so sorry!"
     * Choose an approriate textual response based on a keyword and list of keyword/response mappings
     * @param {String} textToSearch 
     * @param {Array} keywordsList 
     * @returns {String} A response based on the keywords, or "" (null) otherwise
     * @example Try running this in the browser console: chooseResponseByKeyword("I feel good!", responsesArray);
    function chooseResponseByKeyword(textToSearch, keywordsList) {
        // before we get complicated, let's try something simple
        // use String.prototype.indexOf( search string ) to find the string in the input text.
        // indexOf() returns a positive number (the index in the string) if found, or -1 if not found.
        // this is a testing keyword, not for the final version
        //let testKeyword = "good"; // a test keyword to search for in the input text
        //let foundIndex = textToSearch.indexOf(testKeyword); // did we find it?
        let response = ""; // the response from the bot
        for ( let i=0; i < responsesArray.length; i++ )
            let current = responsesArray[i];
            let foundIndex = textToSearch.indexOf(current.keyword);
            if (foundIndex > -1)
                response = current.response; // set the final response = the bot's response
        if (response !== "") {
            console.log("found [" + testKeyword + "] in string [" + textToSearch + "]");
        return response;
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