# The Goldsmiths Hacklab PLEASE READ THE WIKI! **Should a machine break or malfunction** * During business hours, call HH1 from the phone in the lab or walk over and get help. * Outside business hours, send an email to facilities@doc.gold.ac.uk documenting what went wrong, ideally with photos and a detailed story of what happened. ## Machine Guides: * FDM 3D printer - **Ultimaker 2**: http://gitlab.doc.gold.ac.uk/hackerspace/gds_machines/wikis/Ultimaker * SLA 3D printer - **Formlabs Form2**:http://gitlab.doc.gold.ac.uk/hackerspace/gds_machines/wikis/Formlabs * Laser Cutter/engraver - **Epilog M2 40 Fusion**: http://gitlab.doc.gold.ac.uk/hackerspace/gds_machines/wikis/epilog-m2-40-laser-cutter-engraver * Desktop CNC mill - **Roland SRM 20 **: http://gitlab.doc.gold.ac.uk/hackerspace/gds_machines/wikis/cnc-mill-roland-srm-20 * Vinyl Cutter - **Roland GS 24**: http://gitlab.doc.gold.ac.uk/hackerspace/gds_machines/wikis/vinyl-cutter-roland-gs-24