Explore projects
Lab exercises for term 1 of Databases, Networks & the Web module.
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Repo to hold the Creative Project of nhill003 and mamou001, provisionally titled 'Doubt: The Game?'.
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Project Templates / Goldsmiths dissertation template
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyGoldsmiths dissertation template (latex).
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The repo for the machine learning - story generation part of the project.
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A program which displays a sound reactive rock, FFT is applied to each vertex in the 3d model.
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This application plays 3 excerpts from the piece Ventriloquy 2
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Designing Gestures for Continuous Sonic Interaction
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Wireless OSC transmitting IMU with 9 degrees of freedom, based on the Adafruit Huzzah32 and Adafruit Fusion 9DoF (BNO055) boards
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This repository contains all implementation code, graphics and other content used to design and develop the Tourasite application for the final project.
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StJames Hatcham G05; Sonic Immersive Media Lab; 12.2 sound system, dmx lights, 360 video projection
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Basic SVG and JavaScript examples for interactive posters.
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Simple gui with a slider using an external data object.
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