From 649b0865906880cc24d1811063ea73a4ed3eca33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evan Raskob <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 15:35:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] comments and hsl mode update

 .../Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js         | 67 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js b/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
index e2c2b81..42a61ae 100644
--- a/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
+++ b/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
@@ -1,31 +1,69 @@
+/// Albers contrast squares
+/// by Evan Raskob <>
+/// - Demonstrating using HSB colour mode in p5js.
+/// - Learning about saturation, lightness and hue using
+///     background contrast.
-// colours for right square, left square, and 
-// square that sits in both
+// Colours for right square, left square, and 
+// centre square that sits in both.
+// NOTE: these are of object type p5.Color
 let leftColor, rightColor, centreColor;
-let leftHue = 180;
 function setup() {
   createCanvas(400, 400);
-  // cool trick -- write a string as `my string` and you
-  // can put a variable in it using ${variable}
-  //
+  // We can use HSB mode as follows 
+  // from (
+  // Setting colorMode(HSB) lets you use the HSB system instead.
+  // By default, this is colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1). 
+  // You can also use HSL instead of HSB.
+  colorMode(HSB);
+  let leftHueAngle = 180; // set this to something fun. 0 is red.
+  // Offset for right square colour: some fraction of 
+  // a circle. 180 is opposite color, 360 goes back to the same 
+  // colour (360 rotation)
+  let hueAngleOffset = 360/2; 
+  leftColor = color(leftHueAngle, 80, 80);
+  rightColor = color(leftHueAngle + hueAngleOffset, 80, 80);
+  ///
+  /// Try changing this to change the centre squares until
+  /// they both look like different colours. Find 2 combinations
+  /// of colours for outer and centre squares. What parameters
+  /// worked best, and why?
+  centreColor = color(140, 70, 60);
+  ///-------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// There's another way to do this using ES6 syntax...
+  /// uncomment the code below to use it.
+  /// For this cool trick -- write a string as `my string` and you
+  /// can put a variable in it using ${variable}
+  ///
-  // hsl color is a string with hue angle (0-360),
-  // saturation (0-100%), value (0-100%)
+  /// hsl color is a string with hue angle (0-360),
+  /// saturation (0-100%), value (0-100%)
-  leftColor = color(`hsl(${leftHue}, 80%, 80%)`);
+  // leftColor = color(`hsl(${leftHueAngle}, 80%, 80%)`);
   // right colour is complimentary (180 degrees away form leftHue)
-  rightColor = color(`hsl(${leftHue+180}, 80%, 80%)`);
+  //rightColor = color(`hsl(${leftHueAngle+hueAngleOffset}, 80%, 80%)`);
   // try changing this to change the centre squares
-  centreColor = color(`hsl(140, 70%, 60%)`);
+  // centreColor = color(`hsl(140, 70%, 60%)`);
+  ///-------------------------------------------------------------
 function draw() {
@@ -41,8 +79,7 @@ function draw() {
   // Draw a smaller rectangle (of a single colour) in the middle 
   // of both squares and experiment with centreColour (above) 
   // until you find a colour that looks different in both but is
-  // actually the same colour. What did you change? Share the value
-  // 
+  // actually the same colour. What did you change? Share the value.
   rect(width/8, height/8, width/4, height/2);  