diff --git a/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js b/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
index 42a61aec264c53b47a99bf8b74cb7bd8836e1569..1ccad392626731978f73d9ea1735da9eee080a8f 100644
--- a/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
+++ b/colour_and_pattern/exercises/Albers_contrast_squares/sketch.js
@@ -36,15 +36,29 @@ function setup() {
   rightColor = color(leftHueAngle + hueAngleOffset, 80, 80);
+  /// ----------EXERCISE FOR YOU TO DO---------------------------
   /// Try changing this to change the centre squares until
   /// they both look like different colours. Find 2 combinations
   /// of colours for outer and centre squares. What parameters
   /// worked best, and why?
   centreColor = color(140, 70, 60);
+  /// ----------More advanced------------------------------------
+  /// You can add slider GUI (graphical user interface) elements
+  /// to help chose colours instead of typing them in.
+  /// See: https://p5js.org/examples/dom-slider.html
+  /// Create 3 sliders, one for each of hue angle, saturation, and value
+  /// that you use in the color(hue, saturation, value) above.
+  /// Make sure to use text() or console.log() to print out the values
+  /// when you find one you like!
-  ///-------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// ---------Even more advanced-------------------------------- 
+  /// Use a button to display or print out or even save values you like:
+  /// https://p5js.org/examples/dom-input-and-button.html
+  ///-----OTHER WAYS TO DO THIS--------------------------------------------------------
   /// There's another way to do this using ES6 syntax...
   /// uncomment the code below to use it.
   /// For this cool trick -- write a string as `my string` and you