diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,44 @@
-# apave001project
+# Lab 9: Template README
+Here is a template README file you could include in your final app submission, so that your marker knows exactly where to look for evidence of your learning.
+Doing this is another way of showing that you understand the code you wrote!
+**Note:** They will also be looking at your commit history, to see how much of the app you wrote from scratch.
+## Evidence
+| Checklist point | Evidence (filename(s) and line number(s) and/or short desciption) |
+| write a simple server script which is capable of serving a web application written in Python |	|
+| retrieve one or more documents or rows from one or more collections or tables |	|
+| iterate over documents returned in a results cursor object |	|
+| filter and/or sort documents in the result set based on some simple criteria |	|
+| perform more advanced filtering and/or aggregation operations in a database query |	|
+| handle a POST request made via an HTML form in a server-side script |	|
+| demonstrate consideration for Separation of Concerns through the modularisation (separation) of related code |	|
+| demonstrate an awareness of how related data is modelled in the database |	|
+| design and implement an original functional feature in a Python web app |	|
+| other relevant extension of the taught material (if applicable) |	|
+| make a Python script self-executable |	|
+| utilise a range of Python's built-in functions and methods |	|
+| make use of user-defined functions |	|
+| design and implement reuseable functions |	|
+| write readable, well-presented code | Everywhere?! |
+## Installation instructions
+If you have used any modules or configured any global variables that a tester of your app should be aware of, please detail them here.
+For example, in the case of this example app:
++ The app requires Python 3+ and MongoDB 3.2 or later
++ The bcrypt and pymongo modules should be are available from your python environment
++ You should open and set the variables in cgi-bin/config.py to match your configuration
++ To launch,
+		./simpleServer.py 
++ Restore the database by running `mongorestore` from the base directory
++ After restoring the database, you can test the app with these login credentials:
+	- Username: tester
+	- Password: password